Assembly and Subassembly: With McNeil Industries as your partner, you can get a lot more than precision-manufactured components. We also provide component assembly and subassembly services that simplify your supply chain and enable you to run with a leaner staff.
Stocking and Inventory Management: Many businesses face not only the challenge of sourcing products for the assembly of new products, but also sustaining the flow of spare parts, repair kits, and related products needed to keep installed systems operating. Our ability to manufacture, schedule, inventory OEM parts or spares, and manage the kitting and distribution of repair parts helps companies meet all their production and service challenges.
Just-in-time delivery: Our ability to schedule and execute on-time deliveries ensures you, our customer, receive a timely, accurate delivery of everything you need, when you need it.
Product Testing: Our experienced quality team ensures that all parts are produced and tested in accordance with our ISO 9001:2000 certification. When McNeil Industries is your parts source, we work with you closely to ensure that every detail of your part is manufactured, tested, and validated–before you get the part.